The best method for managing effluent pond crust and prevent solids from building up, is to stir the pond with an effective pond stirrer. At Nevada, our pond stirrers operate with high-quality performance that is reliable and safe for farmers to use with ease. With easy angle adjustment for both electric pond stirrers and PTO pond stirrers, you can stir effluent crust with minimal hassle while improving operations and saving time.


Nevada also have a range of over the wall or Tank Stirrers for above ground effluent tanks as well as Hydraulic Slurry Stirrers and Submersible Mixers.

Nevada Electric Stirrers
Electric Pond Stirrers

Choose from eight electric stirrer models available to suit most dairy effluent ponds, with power output ranging from 10-30hp.

Tank Stirrers
Tank Stirrers

The ultimate solution for stirring above ground tanks. Choose from the Nevada TankStir or a Pedestal mounted option.

Nevada PTO Pond Stirrers
PTO Pond Stirrers

Built to last. A great option for when there is no power at the pond by simply utilising your tractor power.

Nevada Hydraulic Stirrer
Hydraulic Slurry Stirrers

Adapt your PTO stirrer for difficult to reach effluent storage situations with a front end loader, telehandler or digger boom.

Nevada Submersible Mixer
Submersible Mixers

Perfect for use in a sump or small pond, prevents crusting and sludge build up.
